Plugmee Smart Home app allows you control and monitor your home from smartphone.
Plugmee is a Smart home Android app that allows you to control and monitor your home – anywhere and anytime. To start use Plugmee andorid application you need to set up Plugmee's main hub in your apartment. The hub is a primary Smart home unit which connects all sensors and devices to the panel in your phone.
*If you don't have Plugmee's hub you can use Demo account on login page.
Plugmee Android app is easy to set up and use. بمجرد توصيل المحور بالإنترنت ، سيبدأ تلقائيًا في تلقي الإشارات من المستشعرات المحيطة ثم تحويله إلى بيانات رقمية يمكنك مراقبتها مباشرة من التطبيق.
From there on, you can use Plugmee app to:
- Remote control your home appliances even if you're away;
- Set up timers to automatically switch on/off lighting, heating;
- Create custom operating scenarios for all devices connected to Plugmee system;
- Receive instant push-, sms-, or e-mail notifications in case of emergency;
- Review daily, weekly, and monthly power consumption reports;
- Receive regular tips on how to reduce power, water, and gas consumption.
The app supports Android OS 4.0.3 and above. You can start using Plugmee app as soon as you have Plugmee's official hub installed. You can order more sensors from our smart home market at http://plugmee.com/en/product.
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